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How to keep your hair colours looking vibrant ?
There are many ways to keep hair colour from fading and, believe it or not, neither one of them requires a lot of money. Limit Sun...

Busy moms take heart ❤️
Mothers give all of themselves for their children. They will go without, just to see their baby smile. This can be from giving up the...

Clarifying shampoo and why you it need
There’s a shampoo for every hair type out there, whether it’s volume, hydration, shine, frizzy whatever; you want ;there’s a shampoo...

What causes limp hair?
Limp hair can be caused by so many thing. It is usually caused by improper hair care. Usually we loose it around age 20. Heat ,...

Getting ready for special occasions is easy if you have a PLAN
Look and feel your best for any special occasion It’s that time of year where proms, weddings and special events are getting planned. To...

Gorgeous Gray Hair
Many women are shy of their first gray hairs and try to cover them up with permanent dyes. While these grays are not numerous, and you...

Go ahead and colour your Gray hair even if you have ALLERGIES or your skin is SENSITIVE
Before colouring your hair as a precaution, an allergy test should always be taken 48 hours before each colour session to ensure you're...

Here’s some simple hair styling tips from a pro
I get asked a lot of questions about hair but probably the most frequent one is how my clients can style hair the same way I style it in...

How to do a fish tale braid
Time to beak out the coated hair elastics, stretch out your fingers and get ready to unleash your inner hair stylist. The fish tale braid...

Sugar and Waxing Care
Before. So you’ve booked a hair removal service. Here are a couple of tips to lessen the discomfort (and increase the longevity of the...
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