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Grab everybodyʼs attention and be their style inspiration !
Back to school season is well on it’s way ! Whoʼs been excited so far ? :) Whether you are or not, there are great things to look forward...

Busy Mom’s Take Heart
n Mothers give all of themselves for their children. They will go without, just to see their baby smile. This can be from giving up the...

What is Hair Gloss ?
Hair Gloss is a type of hair colour that helps to refresh, tone and enhance the look of your hair colour. Tracy Strycker recommends this...

Ever tried brushing your hair in the shower to fight tangles?
If you find yourself struggling to brush out knots after washing your hair, you can try brushing your hair in the shower with a...
It's Family Day Weekend !
Celebrate Family Day weekend with people you love doing the things you enjoy doing ! From Tracy Strycker at Salon Allegra , Happy Family...

Vivid colours fade faster than softer, subtler hues.
That means go with vivid hair colours only if you can commit to frequent salon visits at least once every six weeks. Also, protect colour...
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